David Birnbaum Philosophy
This email is disseminating a proposed PARADIGM SHIFT
which is already formally integrated into sundry college curriculums.
Huffington Post: Does Potential drive the Cosmic Order?
Does one suis generis dynamic – Infinite Quest for Potential∞ – drive the Cosmic Order?
Can one unique concept change the way we think about the universe?
What are the possibilities that the Common Denominator 'driver' of the cosmos was overlooked by all those formidable big brains in the pantheons of philosophy, cosmology, metaphysics and physics?
The odds are remote, right?
Remote, but possible.
David Birnbaum's (quite read-able) 3-volume treatise Summa Metaphysica proposes that one sui generis dynamic – Infinite Divine Quest for Potential∞ – drives the Cosmic Order. See TheQ4P.com.
The Summa Metaphysica series was the prime focus of a landmark 3 1/2 day international academic conference at Bard College (Upstate NY, April 2012). The conference introduced onto the world stage Birnbaum's directional and natural Potentialism dynamic (Q4P∞). See BardConference.com.
Many believe the conference marked the beginning-of-the-end of 20th century Randomness Theory. See PotentialismTheory.com/ParadigmChallenge/.
Here we go....
[ note: The proposition to be delineated has been vetted globally since 1988; it is 1000% upheld inductively; no flaw or exception whatsoever has been discerned; it simultaneously 'solves' a myriad of issues in metaphysics, philosophy, astrophysics, cosmology and beyond.]
Catch the wave ; )
-The Summa Metaphysica Team
see TTOE1000.com
100+ focused feature articles on Summa Metaphysica's Potentialism
for 100+ links
focus: Potentialism Theory by David Birnbaum
Two schemas of the Universe
Current Academe is heavily under the sway of a group of academics aligned with what is often referred to as the ‘entrenched orthodoxy’ schema. This schema’s mantra is that the universe is barren and random; its advocates are often atheistic. These advocates, whose geographic center of gravity is at seven leading colleges in southern England, often informally act in tandem, and are often referred to as advocates of Randomness/atheism. As noted, the group propounds that everything is random happenstance and chance. In turn, they assert that mankind is inconsequential in the grand scheme of things, being but a cosmic accident of no significance and importance. To this group, mankind is but an insignificant speck in a cold, random and aimless universe. The group rejects any possibility whatsoever of any transcending force or dynamic or design or spirituality or purpose in the universe. To them the universe is barren. If there is any common denominator to the universe, they would single out ‘decay’. And as far as the billions of extraordinary galaxies, each with billions of extraordinary stars and assorted planetary systems, at least one of which with a quite extraordinary multitude of breathtaking organic bio-forms, well, to them it is just a random event. It all sort of ‘just happened.’
A January 2014 feature article by David Gelernter, professor of computer science at Yale, “The Closing of the Scientific Mind” in Commentary Magazine, puts the scientific and academic community in their place on several inter-related fronts. Gelernter chastises the scientific community for what he terms ‘roboticism, that is, for belittling the role of the aesthetic, the humanistic, and the spiritual. He also criticizes the scientific community at large for being too ‘mechanistic,’ for viewing life entities as if they were pseudo-computers with assorted binary switches.
Wrapping all these inter-related issues together, Gelernter cites the case of NYU Professor of Philosophy Thomas Nagel. In 2012 Oxford University Press published Nagel’s work Mind and Cosmos. The thesis of the work is relatively simple: Contemporary Evolutionary Biology theory (aka ‘the entrenched orthodoxy’) does not ‘handle’ the emergence of consciousness. Nagel, like Gelernter, wants our theory of the cosmic order and its sub-theory of evolution to be richer and to account for human spirit, consciousness and subjectivity. Thus, Nagel feels that there must be a cosmic dynamic driving the universe and evolution forward in a direction which leads to consciousness. He feels that the prevailing orthodoxy, focused only on genetic survival as the sole dynamic in a universe driven only by randomness, is ‘missing the boat’ on what is truly happening here. In technical terms Nagel is proposing that there is a ‘teleology’ (a purpose ‘driver’ of the universe) embedded in the cosmic order.
However, in questioning the entrenched orthodoxy’s failure to explain the emergence of consciousness, Nagel is but a ‘schoolboy’ compared to conceptual theorist and metaphysics specialist David Birnbaum. Nagel suggested in 2012 that there must be a core cosmic ‘drive,’ a teleology. But a major teleology (adroitly handling consciousness in-the-mix) was already published (1988, 2005) by a fellow New Yorker. Nagel’s midtown Manhattan neighbor, 40 blocks north of Nagel at NYU, is David Birnbaum, author of the iconic 2-part philosophical treatise Summa Metaphysica. Birnbaum’s work proposes an overarching cosmic dynamic: Infinite Potential. In November 2013 British journalist Oliver Burkeman, echoed French anthropologist Claude Levi-Strauss (2006) on Birnbaum’s Potentialism, and called Birnbaum’s theory ‘remarkable and profound’; Burkeman felt that both leaders – Birnbaum and Nagel – were nicely in-sync.
Infinite Potential is the centerpiece theme of Birnbaum’s proposed original overarching theory of the cosmic order, the Theory of Potential. Birnbaum’s universe is organic, overflowing with potential. Indeed Potential defines it. If Nagel’s work gives the ‘entrenched orthodoxy’ academics heartburn, then Birnbaum work gives them a massive heart attack. The Birnbaum treatise was published in two parts: Summa Metaphysica I: God & Evil (by Ktav Publishing in1988) and Summa Metaphysica II: God and Good (by New Paradigm Matrix in 2005).
Birnbaum’s Summa, which has over fifty thousand sets in circulation, is actually in full philosophical alignment with Nagel’s later Mind & Cosmos book (2012) and with Gelernter’s above-noted major Commentary article (2014). All their works, so to speak, ‘talk to each other’.
Birnbaum’s Theory of Potential offers a unified, grand and dynamic cosmic construct. Birnbaum is quite aware, as we all are, that there is no shortage of seemingly ‘open space’ in the cosmos. However he suggests not missing the core thrust and embedded potentiality of the cosmic order.
Birnbaum proposes that his signature theme, Infinite Potential, is the eternal and ongoing dynamic of the quite rich cosmic order. What has unfolded over the ages, according to Birnbaum, is far from randomness acting out in a barren universe. “You and I, according to this theory, are individual cosmic potentials, the end-result of many billions of years of ongoing iteration and optimization. In turn, individually, we each set the stage for more potential” says Birnbaum.
There is thus a direct sequence of contemporary protagonists of a so to speak ‘organic’ universe: Birnbaum (1988, 2005) > Nagel (2012) > Gelernter (2014). Nagel in his 2012 work articulated that we should seek to discern the cosmic drive which brought us to life, consciousness, reason, knowledge, language and altruism. It turns out that all of the items on both the Nagel and Gelernter checklists are fully encompassed by Birnbaum’s Theory of Potential. According to Potentialism, the cosmos is organic, not barren. It inexorably quests after its manifold and quite often extraordinary potentials. It seeks the full flowering of its own possibilities. This unstoppable quest for extreme potential drives our quite extraordinary and quite rich universe.
-The Summa Metaphysica Team
see Conference1000.com
“Potentialism proposes that there is, indeed, a protagonist to the cosmic order, but that the protagonist is a ‘quest’, and not a ‘classic entity’. The universe quests for its maximal potential. The core dynamic Quest for Potential∞ strives with purpose and direction towards ever-greater and higher potential. At the 'beginning of time’, eternal Quest for Potential harnessed the eternal equations of Physics-Mathematics to ignite our universe via the Big Bang. This same symbiotic dynamic - Quest for Potential in league with Physics-Math - then acted as a catalyst for life, evolution, language, emotion, consciousness, and, indeed, for all the key dynamics which have evolved in the universe.”
through a religious lens, see:
and www.summametaphysica.com/global1000/
e, consciousness, reason, knowledge, language and altruism. It turns out that all of the items on both the Nagel and Gelernter checklists are fully encompassed by Birnbaum’s Theory of Potential. According to Potentialism, the cosmos is organic, not barren. It inexorably quests after its manifold and quite often extraordinary potentials. It seeks the full flowering of its own possibilities. This unstoppable quest for extreme potential drives our quite extraordinary and quite rich universe.
-The Summa Metaphysica Team
see PotentialismTheory.com/ParadigmChallenge/
see PotentialismTheory.com
This focused, non-commercial, and fairly unique communication has been sent only to select members of the academic community. This ScrollDown has been sent to you in the spirit of academic freedom, advancing the global discussion, and universal freedom of expression. It is our hope that public policy concerns and the public interest have been advanced.
UNSUBSCRIBE: David.Birnbaum.NY@gmail.com
follow-thru: Potentialism Theory /Global Coverage
This email is disseminating a proposed PARADIGM SHIFT
which is already formally integrated into sundry college curriculums.
Dear Colleague,
This is a follow-thru to updated coverage of my Potentialism Theory.
I believe that the theory provides
an elegant, concise and powerful
unified, fully-integrated and overarching
I hope you find the material of interest.
David Birnbaum
David Birnbaum / Summa Metaphysica | ||
QUICK-TOUR Summa Metaphysica proposes an original and elegant metaphysics The main Summa Metaphysicasite is: www.Philosophy1000.com
FOCUS Summa goes for the crux of the matter: It endeavors to discern the fount and engine of the cosmic order. The author's conclusion is simple yet complex: Quest for Potential∞ Summa Metaphysica discerns this one unifying concept. The author proposes that this one dynamic – is eternal, transcending, and overarching. The author makes-the-case that it is self-evident that the only dynamic which can be asserted with full conviction as being truly eternal is Potential/Possibility. By definition. The religious finesse would be that Holy Quest for Potential is eternal. On Summa's ambitious to-do list is the quasi-unification – via the universal common core axis of Potential∞ – of Science, Religion and Philosophy. As we are aware, however, establishments do not readily yield to paradigm shifts – without a battle. New Paradigm Matrix™
Q4P∞ Quest for Potential∞ Theory |
David Birnbaum / Summa Metaphysica | ||
Please note that Summa Metaphysica I has been officially listed and assigned as a Course Text at well over a dozen universities globally, ranging from UCLA to Brandeis University to Hebrew University in Jerusalem. The “roster” increases yearly. Note that David Birnbaum is the Editor-in-Chief of New Paradigm Matrix The ten volume Mesorah Matrix series There are well-over 50,000 Summa Metaphysica volumes in circulation globally. Metaphysics / Philosophy / Theology / Cosmology see site: www.Intros1000.com We draw your attention to the following “verdict” 24 years-ago on Summa I from the iconic Dupré, noted authority on – and arbiter of – proposed “new paradigm metaphysics” offerings – “an original and in this reader’s opinion, very promising point of view….the author gathers a philosophically coherent and, in the end, highly modern insight…He appropriately describes it as a unified metaphysics within the constraints of Jewish doctrine, consistent with its historical development, and consistent with secular scientific thought…” – Louis Dupré, Professor of Religious Studies, Yale University (1989)* * original letter copy is posted on the www.Philosophy1000.com site under icon Review Letters. New Paradigm Matrix™ |
Q4P∞ Quest for Potential∞ Theory |
100+ focused feature articles on Summa Metaphysica's Potentialism
for 100+ links
[ see November 2014 links just-below as sample ]
November 20, 2014
ROCKET NEWS: The Core DNA of the Cosmic Order
November 20, 2014
BROOWAHA:The Philosophical Vanguard
November 20, 2014
JUBILEE: The Cosmic Tango
November 20, 2014
ACADEMIA.EDU: The Singularity of the Big Bang:
Juxtaposing entrenched orthodoxy theory v. Potentialism theory
pointer: www.Singularity1000.com
November 20, 2014
iREPORT CNN: Potentialism Theory’s Cosmic Goal: E+
pointer: www.E1000.com
November 19, 2014
EXAMINER: David Birnbaum’s Potentialism Theory: The (brutal) Politics of Philosophy
November 19, 2014
WORLD.EDU: Philosophy: The simultaneous solution
November 9, 2014
NEW ZEALAND TIMES: God does not play dice with the universe
November 9, 2014
THE SOUTH AFRICAN: Has Outsider David Birnbaum Trumped the Entire Academic Establishment?
pointer: www.Outsider1000.com
November 9, 2014
AUSTRALIAN TIMES: Philosophy & Cosmic Purpose:
Juxtaposing two philosophers: David Birnbaum & Thomas Nagel
pointer: www.Nagel1000.com
from the desk of
Hugo van den Berg
University of Warwick
Department of Mathematics
Coventry, United Kingdom
Mar 28, 2013
On Birnbaum's Formula
Physics, unlike metaphysics perhaps, is concerned only with description. However, not all descriptions are created equal; it is sometimes possible to capture large swathes of phenomena with a minimum of formal apparatus. Such superb descriptions are what scientists like to think of as “good theories” (all is, in the final analysis, still mere description, a point that is sometimes lost). The game naturally becomes this: to capture as much as possible with as little as possible.
In Birnbaum’s unparalleled and magisterial Summa Metaphysica, we find a pithy quote attributed to a Nobel prize winner [physicist Lederman] who expresses this dream as capturing the universe in a formula that one could print on a T-shirt. Birnbaum, in a staggering and audacious move, displays a formula below this quote.
Are we to infer that this is the answer to the dream of the physicist recently quoted? The recondite renaissance man Birnbaum does not tell us, at least not directly, not on this page. The formula just stands there, glorious in its splendid isolation. It reads:
Perusal of Summa Metaphysica, two imposing tomes of recondite philosophical-mathematical-poetic musings, indicates that Birnbaum wants the reader to think of Q4P as a single symbol......
[ balance of essay upon request ]
Q4P ( Q4P ( Q4P (
Quest for Potential ( Quest for Potential ( Quest for Potential
ad infinitum
- as author
3-volume Summa Metaphysica ( www.philosophy1000.com )
2- volume The Crucifixion ( www.crucifixion1000.com )
7-volume Jews, Church & Civilization ( www.civilization1000.com )
- as editor-in-chief
( in the works )
10-volume Mesorah Matrix ( www.mesorah1000.com ) target completion: 2020
5-volume Commentary Matrix ( www.commentary1000.com ) target completion: 2020
- as conceptualizer
3-volume Summa Spinoffs ( www.spinoffs1000.com )
8-volume Potentialism Theory via Graphic-Narrative ( www.TheoryGraphics1000.com )
- as commentator -
Manhattan Observer ( www.observer1000.com )
see www.DavidBacademic.com
see PotentialismTheory.com
see PotentialismTheory.com/ParadigmChallenge/
3 Summa Metaphysica back covers
see SummaFocusTapes.com
Summa Metaphysica's Theory of Potential
A Unified Metaphysics / Cosmology / Philosophy
by David Birnbaum
Jewish World
Cover Story
Dec. 12, 2014
Does Birnbaum launch Potentialism?
Summa Metaphysica’s new paradigm Potentialism Theory
“Birnbaum's masterpiece work Summa Metaphysica is perhaps the first
offering of a new school of spiritual potentialism”
– Rabbi Benjamin Blech, Yeshiva University
“an original and in this reader’s opinion, very promising point of view…. the
author gathers a philosophically coherent and, in the end, highly modern
insight… He appropriately describes it as a unified metaphysics within the
constraints of Jewish doctrine, consistent with its historical development,
and consistent with secular scientific thought…”
– Professor Louis Dupré, Yale University
“Birnbaum’s God and Good is a major intellectual triumph and potential
conceptual breakthrough… it endeavors to weave It-from-Bit Theory
into a unified metaphysics”
– Scientist John Archibald Wheeler, Princeton University
“Remarkable and profound, Summa Metaphysica II rounds-out the author’s powerful
and original Cosmic Womb of Potential metaphysics… Has the author indeed
founded a new field – Potentialism?... Did we all miss the obvious all along?”
– Claude Lévi-Strauss, Paris
“If iconoclast private scholar Birnbaum is the founder of the metaphysical
School of Potentialism via his ‘infinite divine potential’ construct, then Daniel
Khalil is his foremost Modern Orthodox Jewish explicator.”
– Rabbi Marvin Tokayer, Former Spiritual Leader,
Jewish Community of Japan
“Iconoclast Birnbaum is a daring and dynamic intellect… His avant-garde
Potentialism may turn out to be totally wrong – or may turn out to be the
‘irresistible force’…perhaps best not to bet against the fascinating hypothesis”
– Emeritus Professor of Philosophy John Hospers, USC
“A major work…a great intellectual and spiritual effort”
– Professor of Kabbalah Joseph Dan, Hebrew University
see www.summametaphysica.com/global1000/
“ David Birnbaum’s Summa Metaphysica is a major philosophical contribution to the study of Being. According to Summa, Holy Potential is at the very epicenter of the Divine, and the quest for its fulfillment is the underlying core dynamic of the cosmic order.
Birnbaum considers Quest for Potential∞ to be ubiquitous and overarching holy cosmic dynamic. All of the countless components of the Universe, including humans, are striving towards the full realization of their particular potentialities.
Although centered on the problem of evil existing in the world created by benevolent and omnipotent God, Summa reaches far beyond theodicy. Deeply rooted in Biblical tradition, yet providing a modern and original approach to answering millennia-old questions, Summa represents a bold attempt to formulate a unifying concept of the Universe.”
The very basic laws of ecology describing the growth and regulation of populations of living organisms appear to fit the metaphysical model of the cosmic Quest for Potential∞ proposed by David Birnbaum. Obviously, ecology is only one of many sub disciplines within the rather broad science of biology, and biology is only one of many natural sciences (albeit a very important one). Therefore, this observation alone does not serve as an immediate and decisive proof that the Quest is indeed the major driving force behind each and every natural process.
Nevertheless, it is truly fascinating that an established scientific theory based on experimental evidence and mathematic models is in such a strong agreement with a philosophical theory of Conceptual Theorist Birnbaum, and developed independently of any formal natural history research. This is unlikely to happen by chance alone.
Therefore, it is reasonable to propose the Quest for Potential∞ as a working hypothesis for explaining the impetus behind the cosmic dynamic.
Testing this hypothesis would involve a critical review of other scientific theories explaining particular phenomena in chemistry, physics, sociology, etc. for their agreement with Birnbaum’s proposed Overarching Theory.
Ultimately, this may yield a unified view of the Universe, which would be a major leap in fulfilling our potentiality as conscious beings.
Professor and Graduate Coordinator
School of Biology and Ecology
University of Maine
Orono, ME
November 2, 2012
see TTOE1000.com
( Birnbaum Academic Site )
recent hi-level academic works
dovetailing with Birnbaum's
Summa Metaphysica (1988, 2005, 2014)
Programming the Universe (Knopf, 2006)
by Professor of Quantum Mechanics Seth Lloyd of MIT.
Mind & Cosmos (Oxford University Press, 2012)
by Professor of Philosophy & Law Thomas Nagel of NYU.
Our Mathematical Universe (Knopf, 2014)
by Professor of Physics Max Tegmark of MIT.
3-volume Summa Metaphysica is available, as well,
online, in flip-book form Philosophy1000.com
This focused, non-commercial, and fairly unique communication has been sent only to select members of the academic community. This ScrollDown has been sent to you in the spirit of academic freedom, advancing the global discussion, and universal freedom of expression. It is our hope that public policy concerns and the public interest have been advanced.
UNSUBSCRIBE: David.Birnbaum.NY@gmail.com
for David Birnbaum philosophy, metaphysics, see also