The Outsider
+ Other Pieces

David Birnbaum Philosophy

Summa Metaphysica by David Birnbaum
Unifying Science / Philosophy / Spirituality


November 9, 2014


The South African, Has Outsider David Birnbaum Trumped the Entire Academic Establishment?, The Quest for Potential Theory challenges for the throne

*So, what is the place of David Birnbaum’s philosophy…cosmology…metaphysics… across the span of the ‘history of ideas’ ? See https://www.summametaphysica.com/history-of-ideas/

September 15, 2014

Potentialism & Quantum Cosmology

The South African, Potentialism & Quantum Cosmology, Birnbaum proposes an original concept as the missing key to understanding the cosmic drama. He proposes his signature concept that Potential is the eternal cosmic dynamic. More precisely, Birnbaum proposes that Quest for Potential∞ (infinitely iterating) is the eternal cosmic dynamic.


August 26, 2014


The South African, MACRO > MICRO, Potentialism’s Universal Dynamic: from Macro to Micro levels

June 12, 2014

S. African-Janus

The South African, SAfrican-Janus, Potential: The Janus-Faced Dynamic


March 12, 2014

Academic Imperialism


core Birnbaum Metaphysics:
Cosmic Womb of Potential dynamic:
Quest for Potential∞ (Q4P) >
Complexification (C+) >
Extraodinariation (E+)

David Birnbaum Metaphysics